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Monthly meeting SouthBay Storytellers & Listeners

Photo of Tom Farley
Hosted By
Tom F. and Joy S.


SouthBay Storytellers and Listeners meet the Second Sunday of every Month at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. by Zoom.
Meeting ID 88967644885
Passcode 180767

Please see the Storytelling Association of California [SAC] website at under 'Story Swaps' for other online storytelling sessions.

We spend most of our time swapping stories. You can be a teller or a listener. All stories need listeners. You don't have to tell a story, but most people find they do have a story they can tell without a written text. The tellers tell from many sources and genres. We welcome tellers and listeners of all ages. However the meeting is not for toddlers.

Photo of Silicon Valley Storytelling Meetup group
Silicon Valley Storytelling Meetup
See more events

Every 2nd Sunday of the month

Online event
Link visible for attendees