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FW: [sv-web-jug] Fwd: [jug-leaders] JavaOne Discount for JUG Members

From: Keith C.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 9:55 PM

SVJUGFX Members,

Oracle has distributed this years JavaOne discount code for JUG members. Its good for $200 off and stacks with early bird discounts also. See below for details.






Hi Everyone, 


Good news - I just received the discount code for JUG members. Please find the discount code below that you can send out to your JUG membership. 


Code: DJUS16


This code will offer $200 off the current price and can be used during Early Bird, Pre-Event and Onsite

(NOTE: Early Bird ends July 17th) 


Early Bird



Regular Pricing 




With JUG Discount





Thank you!




Nichole Scott | Director, User Group Relations
Oracle Global Customer Programs

Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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