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Jan 5th - Don't forget to vote!

From: Birgit P.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 9:46 AM
Hi, ho, hello dear members, 

Some of you might not have seen my email from last Friday about our survey to determine the topic of our next meeting on January 5th, 2016.
We need your help. Your opinion is counts, but only if we hear from you! 

Please helps us create better programs that fit you needs by answering a couple of questions in this  survey

And here are our plans for the next four months of 2016:

We'll keep the voting open until December 17 at 4pm and we will announce the new meetup on December 18, 2015.

Are we asking the right questions for you? If not we want to know about it, too!

Best regards, 


Co-organizer of Tech4Good SWFL

Birgit Pauli-Haack
Web & Mobile Developer / Project Manager
m:[masked] | e:[address removed] | a:Naples, Florida
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