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What we’re about

!! I have cut off registration for our series starting in June !! Please message me if you are interested in any future series.

What is Swing Rueda?
Swing Rueda is the fusion of Lindy Hop and Rueda de Casino (a dance style often referred to as Cuban Salsa). This fusion is done as a group, with moves being called out by a caller. There is something magical and joyous about dancing together in a rueda circle.

Class Times: Classes will be held from 8:15 - 9:15 pm at the RVA Swing studio in Lakeside. June 18 / June 25 / July 2 / July 8

How is Swing Rueda danced?
Partner transitions are frequent, and chaos is part of the fun. Moves will most commonly be 8-count Lindy Hop moves. Most moves learned within the circle can also be applied to individual partner dancing. A Swing Rueda can be conducted with a minimum of 3 couples (6 dancers), but the more the merrier. No partner is required to sign up.

What do I need to know to join in?
While not absolutely required, I suggest that members of the class already have knowledge of how to do a swing out, either as a lead or follow. Dancers who don't yet know Lindy Hop but are very comfortable with another style of partner dancing and are interested are also welcome to join.

What does this look like?
Here is a video of a Swing Rueda:
For context, here is a video of a Rueda de Casino:

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