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.CH Zurich Chinese Cantonese Conversation 瑞士蘇黎世 中文粵語會話班

Photo of Team CH 詠春 Wing Chun (Ving Tsun)
Hosted By
Team CH 詠春 Wing Chun (Ving T.


歡迎加入! All are welcome wherever you are!

=== MUST KNOW ===
To participate in our on-line group events, you need to first setup then share only your Signal username* ( Devices running Android and Apple iOS are supported.

In the interest of all participants apart from a much needed reliable platform, this is the one APP that does not require the exchange of your personal info** in order to communicate with other online users in a safe and secure learning environment.

Additionally, this is the only privacy focused, developed by a not for profit organisation and user-funded (contribution basis - please donate) APP that provides secure and real end-to-end encrypted communication channels with full experience text, (peer-to-peer and group) audio and optional video chat features - including screen sharing on desktop versions (Windows / Mac / Linux Debian distro).

* Signal App > Settings > Profile
** such as telephone number or Email address to mitigate the risk of SPAM, unsolicited ads / publicité, tracking, etc. (e.g. expose location)
Signal App > Settings > Privacy > Phone Number > ... > Nobody

詠春拳良伴 Ving Tsun Kuen Companion*

Not directly related yet recommended as a complement to learn Chinese Cantonese.
* mobile APP Google Android and Apple iOS (Mac OS)

1. Kindly cancel your RSVP 24 hours prior to scheduled date/time if you are unable to attend.
2. Do share your Signal username well in advance via meetup to enable us to reach out to you with the participation information (not visible publicly).
3. NO event reminder will be sent hence please voluntarily act on preceding step.


No-show = group automatically disbands ~15 minutes from start time and may void your future participation.

No-show = die Gruppe wird nach ~15 Min. von Startzeit automatisch aufgelöst, wobei Ihre zukünftige Teilnahme ungültig betrachtet werden könnte.


Cantonese is widely spoken in Hong Kong, Macau, south-eastern China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and where Chinese are located globally, such as Chinatown in the Americas and Europe. Be it personal interest, canto-pop music, authentic southern Chinese Kung Fu like Wing Chun (Ving Tsun), travel, work requirements, romance, love or simply out of curiosity, you are invited to join us in this (free introductory and) conversational practice of the Chinese Cantonese language event.

No prior knowledge in any Chinese language needed. Suitable for all learning levels, refreshers and other Chinese language / dialect speakers (Mandarin, etc.). Lessons will be conducted in English, German and other languages, if available.


Look out for our group logo to locate us! This bar/restaurant is just opposite the Irish bar at Europaalle (Zürich HB). Nearest tram station = Zürich, Sihlpost/HB.

Kantonesisch ist meist gesprochen in Hongkong, Macau, südöstliche China, Singapur, Malaysia, Vietnam und wo Chinesen sind weltweit, etwa in Chinatown Americas und Europas. Egal aus persönlichen Gründen, Kanto-pop Musik, authentisch süd-chinesiche Kung-Fu wie Wing Chun (Ving Tsun), Reise-, Arbeitszwecke, Liebe oder einfach Neugier, Sie sind herzlich willkommen, an diesem (gratis Einführungs)event und der konversationellen Übung der chinesischen Kantonesisch Sprache teilzunehmen.

Keine Kenntnis in chinesisch Sprache erforderlich. Diese Veranstaltung eignet sich für Lernende aller Niveaus, Wiedereinsteiger und andere chinesisch Sprachen oder Dialekte (Mandarin, usw.). Lektionen werden auf englisch, deutsch und andere Sprachen durchgeführt (Änderungen vorbehalten).


Pass auf unseres Gruppelogo auf, um uns zu orten! Die Bar/das Restaurant befindet sich gegenüber der irländischen Bar an der Europaalle (Zürich HB). Nächste Tramhaltestelle = Zürich, Sihlpost/HB.

Photo of Swiss (Zürich) Chinese Cantonese Culture/Language 瑞士粵語中文文化語言 group
Swiss (Zürich) Chinese Cantonese Culture/Language 瑞士粵語中文文化語言
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