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What we’re about

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Sydney PhotoTalks is a great way for photographers to meet each other and hear stories about their work.
It's not a formal event and is open to photographers of all levels.

This is a social event where passionate photographers get to show their work and you get to ask questions about it.

Meet local and visiting photographers informally, gain insights into their methods, and engage in an open discussion.

Through sharing ideas and discussions about photography, we all learn together. Creative photography is based on method and experimentation.

Who comes to WAO PhotoTalks?
Photographers, writers, bloggers, travelers, hobby photographers, professional photographers, phone photographers, editors, teachers, artists, musicians, accountants, lawyers, people with no title, retired men and women who love photography, all storytellers…you get the picture.

We find photographers who are passionate about what they do and love to share their photography journey. Bring a friend!

Shane Rozario (community events)
Colin Seton (Phone photography)
Russell Tunny (Astro photography)