Start: Saturday 9.30am Ourimbah Railway Station on the Central Coast,(catch the 7.48am train from platform 8 at Central)
Finish: Sunday early afternoon at Windsor Railway Station
Distance in Day One: 76km
Distance in Day Two: 50km
Grade: Medium to Hard
Suitable for all bikes
Ride Leader: Paul O’Reilly
Experience a 2-day-1-night Toothbrush Tour with a friendly, helpful group at a relaxed place! It is so easy – all you need is a toothbrush and a credit card (and maybe some cash)!
Accommodation at Wisemans Ferry:
1. Wisemans Inn Hotel – choice of rooms in the pub, or motel-style rooms at the back of the pub:
2. Retreat at Wisemans – a more luxurious option:
Note: Option 2 is more lenient with cancellations if the ride is canceled due to rain and will also match the current Agoda price of $179 if you ring them directly, if booking via phone with them let them know you are with Sydney Spokes. There is also an option of $169 on Agoda but it’s not refundable.
Book your accommodation ASAP before it fills up!
Total distance: 76km from Ourimbah (Central Coast) to Wisemans Ferry … punctuated by the possibility of food stops. So there is no need to get intimidated by the 76km.
- Morning tea possibly at Central Mangrove (25km)
- Lunch at Spencer Cafe (50km)
- Dinner is likely to be in the Wisemans Inn Hotel bistro.
BYO nibbles and snacks for sustenance during the 2-day ride
After a train ride from Central (7.28am platform 8 country trains platform) to Ourimbah (9.26am), we start cycling west from Ourimbah on Dog Trap Road which has gentle grades, though it does get steeper towards the top. At the end of Dog Trap Road, we will turn right onto Wisemans Ferry Road and head towards Central Mangrove where we will stop for morning tea. After morning tea, we will make our way to Mangrove Mountain, then onto our lunch stop at Spencer. After lunch, we will follow Wisemans Ferry Road as it meanders along the beautiful Hawkesbury River. The first day of the ride ends in Wisemans Ferry.
Total distance: 50 km from Wisemans Ferry to Windsor.
- Breakfast is self-catered, or find an early opening cafe in Wisemans Ferry
- Morning tea at Tractor Cafe (30km)
- Lunch possibly at Windsor before we hop on the train to Central
This is an easier day of riding – 50 km from Wisemans Ferry to Windsor.
The first section of this ride is particularly stunning. We ride out of Wisemans Ferry and west along the Hawkesbury. Lots of winding, quiet roads. Just cyclists, sandstone, scrub, bird calls, with the cool morning air against our bodies. Please ensure that you have some nibbles packed for this section of the tour. The ride concludes at Windsor, where we’ll hop on the train back to Central.
1. There are no exit points on this ride. You would have to ride either back to Ourimbah or forward to Windsor. Or hitch a lift.
2. Please bring a puncture repair kit and water, and ensure your bike is in good mechanical condition.