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What we’re about

Want to build your confidence in connecting with others and improve your social skills?

This meetup is for anyone who struggles with having the confidence to go out there to network, socialise with others!

It is all about making that good first impression if you are an entrepreneur or a professional climbing the corporate ladder.

Having a good first impression has many advantages such as:

• Improving your professional business networking skills

• Improving your interview skills to get your dream job

• Gaining the person’s trust

• Closing the gap between you making friends with the receiver

• Reputation building for yourself

• Gain customers/clients

• Self-satisfaction and confidence

Here are a few testimonials on the social skills workshops Sam has hosted already:

"Sams workshop was both informative and enjoyable. Interacting with other participants broke down barriers and made everyone feel at ease. I’ve already started using the new skills I learned and feel more confident when making first connections." - Diane K.G

"Awesome Sam! It was good to see the people around me relaxing in the workshop I attended, as you guided everyone through the exercises. :-)" - Wendy N

"Hi Sam, it was great coming to your first workshop last night. I have definitely learnt something from you already. Great notes and tips, easy to understand. I especially enjoyed the role play where we could actually practice with other members. I also like how you show your support and encouragement to all members throughout the session. Your friendliness and humorous approach have made it a fun night too :) Thank you Sam" - Keri L

Background of Sam Lee

Sam Lee had experienced a very rocky road during High School, University and Post University… why? Because he was very vulnerable to being bullied. It got to a point where he was hospitalized a few times due to depression. So in 2019, he published a self-help book called “The Social Way” to send a message to the world out there with a hope to help those people being bullied like him and vice-versa towards those that bully people that it can seriously affect people from a mental health point of view which could lead to depression and anxiety. And now ever growing, Social Anxiety which is a big issue in the online world we live in today.
Now Sam Lee is on a mission….. he is an advocate to help those people that are currently experiencing depression and anxiety due to vulnerability in offline and online bullying, to forget about previously affected relationships and to go out there to connect with compatible, like-minded people and be happy.


Founder of Connect with Confidence, he helps people discover and power up their social skills so that they can be comfortable in any situations they find themselves in. He started his career in sales, working in corporate and real estate sectors, but after a few years as a top-performing salesman, he realized that he had a bigger message to share.
In that moment, he decided to follow his passions for event planning and socialising. This soon led him to mentoring, and particularly to helping those who struggle with making and developing deep and lasting connections. Since then, he has been helping people uncover their true potential.
Sam has always found a deep sense of fulfillment through his social relationships, and teaching others how to broaden their networks has allowed him to spread this sense of fulfillment to others, adding new depths of meaning to both his professional and his social lives.
He works predominantly with business owners & corporate professionals who struggle to be heard above all the extroverts out there. Sam’s Connect with Confidence coaching programs skills people up to feel confidence even if underneath they are really quiet, shy and introverted.