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Startup Weekend & Startup Labs

From: Mitchell P.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 6:37 PM

Tech Meetup Members,

We have a meetup coming up in early November so dont forget to sign up.  Free food and drinks as always.

There are two programs that we have this fall and winter that I think some of you may have an interest in.  The first is our Syracuse Startup Weekend program.  It will take place on November 30th and tickets are available at  This is the second annual Syracuse Startup Weekend.  You have to purchase a ticket to attend.

The second is a new one.  Startup Labs Syracuse is taking the evolution of the Creative Core Emerging Business Competition becoming the region's largest business competition with $350,000 in cash and prizes awarded to five teams.  Syracuse is the first US city to host the Startup Labs accelerator which is a 22-day program. Only five other cities have hosted the program worldwide including: Istanbul Turkey; Taipei, Taiwan; Mexico City, Mexico; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; New Delhi, India. The goal of the new competition is to support the region's entrepreneurs and accelerate their ideas to the marketplace.

Teams will be chosen through a simple open application process that can be viewed on  It will serve as the first step of judging that includes an interview process with sponsors, Startup Labs and Excell Partners, Inc. representatives.  Two rounds of judging will narrow the competitive field of applicants to five teams. These five teams will participate in the Startup Labs Syracuse 5 day boot camp and 22-day program.  Each of the five teams receives a $30,000 initial investment and office space The Tech Garden for 6 months.

The five teams will pitch in a demo day competition. Teams will compete for two prizes: a $150,000 cash prize and the Market Ready Award presented by Eric Mower + Associates, which will provide a suite of marketing and branding services valued at $50,000. Both prizes will be presented at CenterState CEO's annual meeting in early 2013.




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