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Big B'Day bash on the 6th

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, March 24, 2013, 6:11 PM

We have 560 members and only 6 have signed up for this wonderful night of fun !!!   I have so far 45 comming from South Sound Singles so it should be a great night !!!!

We have a band from Seattle that is going to play 70's & 80's music

James is bringing the cake

I have a groovy speech @ 8:45 pm so you don't want to miss that !!!!

We are meeting for dinner @ 7pm

So come out and enjoy the FUN!!!


LET'S  DANCE  -   DANCE    &      DANCE....................

IT'S                A                               P..............A......................R..........T..............Y !!!!




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