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Not too late to join us Wed. at the MFA to learn 3 things about composition.

From: suzanne
Sent on: Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 6:02 PM

Greetings Photographers! I hope you are having a great week. I forgot to mention that entrance to the MFA tomorrow night is FREE. So you only need to pay the $20 tuition for the class.  I will go early and get our entrance tickets. Just meet me inside the Huntington Ave. Entrance next to the gift shop.  You can RSVP now to save your spot for tomorrow. We are going to have a great time!

“Composition is the strongest way of seeing.” Edward Weston

Welcome to all our new members! Over 200 have joined in the past month so I thought it would be a good idea to review the basics of composition and camera settings. Join this event to get up and  running so you can then participate in the many events coming up this year.

In this exciting and educational event, you'll discover simple composition techniques that improve every single photo you take from now on.

• Do you sometimes wonder exactly where to put the subject of your photo?

• Would you like to simplify your shots?

• Are you sometimes disappointed in the shot you get?

• Would you enjoy meeting other like minded photo lovers?

Then join us this week and discover how to see the hidden structure of any scene. Once you see it, you can shoot it!

This is a "no technical jargon zone", so if you're a total beginner, I promise that you will feel at ease and totally comfortable in this relaxed and fun setting.

We will start at the entrance of the MFA where I will teach you the composition techniques by looking at some world class paintings. Then we'll all practice what we learned using some fun group activities I have designed for you. This way you will get to meet others in the group while taking photos. Any camera or smart phone will work fine for this session.

The MFA is packed with beautiful objects we can use to practice photo composition skills. We will work with color, line, texture and shape to create visually stunning photos. I always provide hand out cards so you can do the activities again on your own after the class.

After a while, we'll come back and share our results with each other so you can see the difference in your photos.  During this time, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have and give you helpful feedback if you'd like.  Then once you are totally confident with the technique, you'll learn how to use it in even more ways.  

What makes this meetup unique is that I am NOT going to overload you with a bunch of technical info and useless information (we just forget that stuff anyway, right?). I will help you with some basic camera settings that work.

Instead, my promise to you is that you will walk away with three techniques you can use for the rest of your life to take better photos. Even something as simple as a staircase can take your breath away if you get the composition right.  

Whether your interests are taking photos of people, nature, architecture, landscape, or even close-up (also called macro photography), this workshop will improve the results you get with every picture by making you aware of some simple guidelines (not rules) for composition.

If you'd like to take better pictures, then go ahead and put your RSVP in right away. If you have taken a composition class with me before, it is still a good idea to take a refresher now and then.

If this is your first class focused on composition, this class is also perfect for you. I will provide a hand out and step by step guidance so you can clearly understand and apply the secrets to successful composition immediately. We will use rule of thirds, divine proportions, and intuition.

What past participants are saying about this meetup...

Thank you Suzanne for preparing this wonderful workshop. I love how you broke this down to simple steps and gave us something to focus on and practice recognizing 1/3rd in art and then practicing taking photos using the 1/3 model.

Thank you Suzanne for  arranging this great meet up. After attending this workshop, it took my perspective of photography into a different level. Nice to see you all. 

At the end of class we will meetup for refreshments. This optional social time is my  favorite part of the session. We get to take a look at your best photos from the class and learn from each other. Good composition is the key to great photography. And constructive conversation is key to discovering what makes some of your photos more exciting than others.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wed. the 21st! We are going to have a great time. Hope you will come out and join us. You will be amazed at how much you can learn about how to Take Better Pictures in just 2 hours with this great group of beginning photographers. Please wear something red so I can find you during the class. It helps me keep track of the group. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you. You  need to RSVP to reserve a space in this workshop. I am limiting the number of participants to 10. Click here to RSVP




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