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comfort zone challenges'vienna #64

Photo of Matteo
Hosted By
Matteo and Johann
comfort zone challenges'vienna #64


We meet up to do comfort zone challenges in the streets of Vienna. Our goal is that everyone goes home having experiences something that was out of their comfort zone.

Most important things first:

Experience the fun to get out of your comfort zone, to grow beyond your expectations and to surprise yourself! Join the event to experience how easy it can be to be thrown in new situations!

What will we do?

  • Introduction into the "comfort zone challenge"
  • Introducing ourselves and our goals for this meetup
  • Deciding on the groups & challenges
  • (Optional) group-warm-up
  • Doing the challenges in group of 3-4
  • Reflection: Meeting in a bar to reflect and have a drink

Be aware that consuming alcohol is discouraged until reflection. Also make sure you have enough time to attend the event until the end, since the reflection is an important part of the process and a good chance to let the other participants learn from your experience.
For all communication and coordinating through the event we use a Telegram group, make sure to join beforehand:
Your talkin'vienna-team!

talkin' is a group focused on personal development by organizing Social Adventures. We believe that the best way to grow as a person is to go out of your comfort zone, and have fun along the way. You don't think that's possible? Come and join us and see for yourself! In this group we speak both english or german, so join as a local or international.
Maximum participants: 20 people. Please only attend if you register here.
We are a growing organization organizing events in currently 3 countries. All infos here:
your talkin' vienna ❤️
Photo credit: vitomirov/iStockPhoto

Photo of talkin': Social Adventures in Vienna group
talkin': Social Adventures in Vienna
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Museumsplatz 1 · Wien, Ne
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