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Announcing: Tallahassee Code Camp 9

From: Rob E.
Sent on: Thursday, September 19, 2013, 10:12 AM


Preparations for the 2013 Tallahassee Code Camp are in full swing and we need your help to make this 9th annual event the best one yet! Every year a group of volunteers come together to give presentations at this free community event. Some code camp speakers are experienced and some might be giving talks for the first time; the only requirement for speaking at code camp is a desire to share knowledge with your peers in an informal, symposium-like atmosphere.

We will firm up the different tracks for the event based on final submissions, but if you are looking for a topic to give a  talk on, here are a few general ideas:

  • Cloud - Developing for platforms like Azure or AppHarbor...

  • Mobile - Windows Phone, Xamarin/iOS/Android, Mobile Web...

  • Software Craftsmanship - TDD/BDD, refactoring, architecture...

  • Data - SQL Server, "NoSQL" platforms (e.g. RavenDB)...

  • Tools, Frameworks, Languages -  C#, F#, general .NET, open source libraries, productivity tools...

  • Web - Single-page applications, HTML5, ASP .NET...

  • SharePoint & Office - Adding custom functionality to these commonly used tools.

Last but not least, here are the vital details:

If you are available, interested, or would like more details about being a speaker at this year’s Code Camp – respond to this email or contact me directly at [address removed]. I can help you pick a topic or refine an idea that you already have.

If you or your company are interested in being a sponsor at this year’s code camp please let me know; we have several sponsorship options available and I can put you in touch with the sponsorship organizers.


Jesse Taber and The Code Camp 9 Team