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What we’re about

Are you tired of the usual parties where you can barely talk and you don’t get to know people?

We’ve all been there. These places look very good on paper. They host many people so it should be easy to make new friends. But it’s not.

These places are usually crowded and loud, and they make it hard to have human contact.

Moreover, you have to walk up to people if you want to talk and ask the same trite questions. Or try hard to be original. Even if you manage, keeping in contact with the people you meet is hard.

But it does not have to be that way.

What if you could meet people by doing something fun together instead of having to break the ice with clever lines? Imagine a way of getting to meet someone new without starting with words. Imagine building a connection before even having to ask each other’s names.

It might sound strange, but tango allows you exactly to do this. You get to know other people by having fun dancing together.

Tango brings people close even before they can ask, “What’s your name?”. In tango, inviting others to dance is done by just looking at each other to express willingness to dance together.

And tango has become so popular worldwide that you can quickly travel to any city, find a local dancing place, and meet new people.

Tango is built on improvisation and connecting with each other, making it always fun and exciting with its endless possibilities. And finally, this is a beautiful dance declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This group is targeted at expats because that's what we are, but it's also open to Dutch people. If you like to be in an international environment, this is the place for you.