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The 3rd Ann! WordPress Taoyuan 午茶/晚餐小聚三週年! Linner Meetup #36

Photo of Green Yang
Hosted By
Green Y. and 3 others
The 3rd Ann! WordPress Taoyuan 午茶/晚餐小聚三週年! Linner Meetup #36


# 中文版,後接英文版 Chinese Traditional Version, followed by English Version


📢 主題分享

  • TBD - Waiting for you or the person you recommend.

⚡ 閃電講 Lightening Talks

  1. TBD - Waiting for you.
  2. TBD - Waiting for you.
  3. TBD - Waiting for you.

💬 各類網站實作、 WordPress 生態與網站以外的經營分享討論

開放預告主題/閃電講 / 各種分享,請至討論區 Discussions 的這則討論串直接回覆 您欲報名的 "主題分享或閃電講 / 預告講題名稱 / 希望月份"


每個不同角色所能表現的,都有他人能多加參考、了解之處;有沒 WordPress 或網站相關、有沒多厲害,也都不最重要;形式不拘,歡迎提前報名、丟個話題或問題先上活動頁,就是互動的開始。



## 🕑 時間

5/18 (六)

14:00 招呼、收繳每人 100 元包場費、點餐
14:20 預告講題分享
15:00 QA、延伸討論分享
15:15 中場休息
15:30 ~ 17:00 閃電講、展示、發問、討論、交流不設限
17:00~ 會後續攤 (就地或換地方), 幾乎每次必有的,在場參與者延續熱絡討論/閒聊的會後會,歡迎預留時間,準備跟上 :D

## ☕ 場地資訊
- Meetup @ 喜憨兒桃園南門公園庇護商店: 14:00 - 1700
- After Dinner Chat (不插電) @ 多那之桃園南華門市: 17:00~

## 提醒

  • 本次以收取每人 100 元 用於二樓包場方案與小聚開支。社群非營利,喜憨兒場地做公益;小小投入,大大溫暖。
  • 到店後向店家表示是二樓的「 WordPress 小聚 」即可。
  • 包場方案:提供投影機、投影幕、茶桶、開水,場地支援 Wi-Fi 與有限的插座,建議使用行動網路熱點,鼓勵自備延長線、環保杯/壺 (場地方有免費的環保杯租借系統)。
  • 筆電有線投影以 HDMI 為準,視個人裝置需要請自備 HDMI 轉接至**投影機;**無線投影請準備 Zoom & Google Meet,以共享螢幕畫面的方式投影分享。
  • 參與者可依個人需求自行向店家點購餐、飲等品項。
  • 請配合遵守店家防疫規範。

💁 報名須知 Notices

  1. 以 Meetup 作為主要報名平台機制。
  2. 若因故不便出席,請及早更新出席狀態;若 1430 後才會到或有任何問題、突發狀況,也歡迎聯絡主辦幫您留意,讓主辦能彈性調整安排就好喔!
  3. 主題、講題什麼的都其次,現身出席體驗、互動,就是小聚與您能互相給予的最大價值。

## 交通指南
喜憨兒桃園南門公園庇護商店 @ 桃園南門公園 / 南門市場公車站牌旁
🚉 自桃園火車站或鄰近公車 (含國道客運) 站牌步行:很近。
🚲 YouBike:店旁就是 YouBike 南門公園站
🚗 停車:店旁就是南門公園地下停車場,停汽機車都便宜方便 (機車10元/次/日)。


# English Version

## 📢 Topics

  • TBD - Waiting for you or the person you recommend.

⚡ Lightening Talks

  1. TBD - Waiting for you.
  2. TBD - Waiting for you.
  3. TBD - Waiting for you.

💬 Extended discussions by any of all attendees

Welcome speaker registration. Please register the topic of any share in this format "Type of the Talk / Topic Name / Preferred Month" you'd like to share by replying to this thread of Discussions.

## 🕑 Time
May 18th

14:00 Say hi, Venue fee of NT$100 per person, Order Time
14:20 Speaker's Time
15:00 QA, Extended Discussions
15:15 Half-time break
15:30 ~ 17:00 Lightning Talk, HelpDesk, Share & Chat
17:00~ After Dinner Chat at Another Venue :D

## ☕ Locations
- Meetup @ Sefun Cafe (Nanmen Store): 14:00 - 1700
- After Dinner Chat (unplugged) @ Donutes (Nanhua Store): 17:00~

## Notice

  • Open Sesame - "WordPress Meetup" or point to the sticker of WordPress on the wall between the door and the counter for access to 2F.
  • Venue fee of NT$100 per person for the exclusive package. Community-driven non-profit; using the venue for charitable purposes.
  • Package features: The whole 2F usage, projection equipment, microphones with amplifier, tea, and water. If available, we encourage you to bring your extension cords and eco-friendly cups/pots.
  • Laptop connections use HDMI cables; kindly bring your adapters if needed. We support Zoom & Google Meet for screen sharing as an alternative solution.
  • You are welcome to order any catering, including coffee and pastries, yourself.

## How to find us / Transportation
Sefun Café (Nanmen Store) is near Namen bus stop / Nanmen Park
🚉 It's close to the Taoyuan Train Station
🚲 YouBike is available
🚗 Parking: Nanmen Underground Parking is in the same field.

English is also available, and Chinese is not a problem.
Welcome attendees and speakers from diverse industries. We welcome those not closely related to WordPress as well. Please message event organizers for instructions.

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of Taoyuan WordPress Meetup group
Taoyuan WordPress Meetup
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30 spots left