What we’re about
We are a Quaker worship group formed in December 2016. Although few in number at the start, we hope that our group will grow as Friends and other like-minded folk in Franklin county discover us.
As of July, 2022, Youngsville Library has changed the policy for use of its conference room, so we are not currently able to meet in-person. As soon as a new meeting location has been found, it will be announced. In the meantime, virtual meeting with Durham Friends is still available at 10:30 am every Sunday. The Zoom link is available here: https://www.durhamfriendsmeeting.com/ (scroll to bottom of page)
Virtual Meeting for Worship with Durham Friends is also available Tuesdays at 12:00 noon
All are welcome, regardless of religious background or experience, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or ability. During Meeting for Worship, we sit in silence and find our quiet center. As an unprogrammed group, there is no pastor, liturgy, sermon, or prepared music. The service is a time of prayer and meditation as we wait in the presence of God, open to whatever may be shared by those moved to speak.
For those new to Friends, information about Quakers is available at www.fgcquaker.org
Also, see the TRF Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TarRiverFriends/
To contact us, call 919.588.4659 (Let it ring; listen to the announcement) or email trf.quaker@gmail.com
Tar River Friends is a Worship Group under the care of Durham Friends Meeting