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Astrology Mixer

Photo of Bonnie Paisley
Hosted By
Bonnie P.


What's your Zodiac Sign?
Do you read the weekly horoscopes and feel like the descriptions of the other zodiac signs also seem to be describing you?
If you want to know more about your astrological Sun sign, as well as why the other signs seem relatable to you, bring of a printout your birth chart to this group on the 4th Saturday of the month.

This group is for anyone who wants to learn or help others to learn about astrology. We will explore the current astrological sign the Sun is in, where it is in your chart and what effect it is having on you. Also, as time permits, we will look at other current astrological events. Due to the amount of information to go over this event starts as close to start time as possible. It is okay if you arrive late or need to leave early. Please feel free to order something to eat or drink.

Where to get a printable Birth Chart:
You can create your chart from the following free resource:
select Free Horoscopes, then Horoscopes Drawings & Data, then Chart Drawings, Ascendant. Fill in your Birth information and continue to the chart drawing page. Instructions to print the chart are at the bottom of the page.

Please, Print the Birth Chart to bring with you.

If you would like Bonnie to print your Birth Chart from the software she uses, you can Direct Message her through the Meetup App. She will need your birth information by 12pm the day before the meetup event. There is a nominal fee for this service.

Feel free to bring a friend. Please have them bring a printed copy of their Birth Chart.

You'll find us at the red-and-white Meetup sign towards the back of the establishment or possibly on the outdoor patio with Astrology Charts on the


We have had to move the meetup to the Corner Bakery in Santa Ana (Across the street from Main Place Mall). The Orange location has permanently closed. This location is smaller and we may need to be on the outdoor patio. Please dress for current weather conditions.

While Corner Bakery doesn't require us to purchase anything, there are so many yummy options to choose from that you're bound to find something to please your palate! Prices range from $2.49 for a cookie to $7-$13 for sandwiches, salads, and pasta dishes. Sign up on their email list cause they usually send out monthly coupons.

To help offset the cost of hosting the meetup, I ask for a $1.00 donation that goes to maintaining the this group on meetup. No one will be turned away if they can't contribute.

Remember to please bring a printed copy of your Astrological Birth Chart with you!!!

Looking forward to seeing you!


Photo of The Orange County Tarot Meetup Group group
The Orange County Tarot Meetup Group
See more events

Every 4th Saturday of the month

Corner Bakery
2789 N Main St · Santa Ana, CA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
20 spots left