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Re: [libertarian-388] Re: [ronpaul-529] Falling on Principle

From: Tracy Raymond D.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 1:00 PM
Well, Teresa, I see how it may seem that way to you. But, your father is just one man, and doesn't speak for the whole Tea Party. You also mentioned that he was chair of the Republican Committee, I assume that his Republican roots run deeper than his Tea Party views. 

From: Teresa Rushing <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tue, November 6,[masked]:55:04 PM
Subject: Re: [libertarian-388] Re: [ronpaul-529] Falling on Principle

I beg to differ. My father is chair of the Republican Committee in Wood County and heavily involved in the Tea Party. He almost disowned me when I refused to vote for Romney. He said that "He's our horse this year and we need to support him." He used to consider himself an independent until Perot lost in '92. He has been heavily involved with the Republicans ever since. He believes third parties to be a waste of time as do many people in the Tea Party.

Teresa Rushing

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 6, 2012, at 12:30, "Arthur Thomas" <[address removed]> wrote:

No it just gets eaten up or destroyed. Didn't you see the republican primary at all? 

The Tea Party is diverse and we should reach out to them. They are very different in Texas than other states though.

The problem isn't with parties or politicians. It is with voters. Voters have to understand the differences and not vote of stereotypes and catch phrases. Thats why the LP exists. To make a clear distinction of liberty vs tyranny.

I can put the crappiest Republican in a race and he gets a 20% bump just for the R next to his name. That is not ideological or understanding what you are voting for. That is the ignorance of voters who cry for change and refuse to do it. If I run as a republican (which would betray my principles) and I win its not because the voters understand they elected a libertarian. They just see an 'R' winning. Liberty has to be fought for an actually win. Not assumed it exists while destroying it.

I am Libertarian. I will not be anything else. People that like Libertarians or want to work with us need to volunteer or donate and shut up about whats wrong or right. Get out there and help or I really don't care. People that just complain or tell us how to do things one way or the other aren't helping. They are just in the way. 

So less email.. more volunteering and donating. Get out there. Live Free.

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Tracy Raymond Daniels <[address removed]> wrote:
Well, it's not that black and white Richard. Many in the tea party and libertarian leaning. I was in Virginia last month and met with some tea partiers that were all Ron Paul supporters and such. The tea party is a grassroots movement that has many different beliefs. They all tend to agree on less spending, lower taxes, free markets and constitutional government. 

If libertarians who leaned more democrat joined the Democratic Party, it would therefore become more libertarian. If libertarians who lean more republican, joined up with the Republican Party, the Republican Party would be more libertarian. Doing it through a third party actually does less for libertarianism as a whole. I don't like the two-party system at all either, but it's not going anywhere, and we can influence them to be more libertarian if more libertarians get involved. 

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 6, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Richard Forsythe <[address removed]> wrote:

The Tea Party are a bunch of hypocrites who've been taken over by conservatives who don't value liberty and are nothing more than pissed off conservatives with socially conservative values they think can be imposed on others. Libertarians get plenty of respect, we are under a UNIVERSAL media blackout by the media because THE government FEARS US. That's a type of respect; they know most people would vote Libertarian if the truth came out about Libertarian values and those of the Big 2 parties and the truth on the issues and thanks to the internet we are waking people up, albeit slowly.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

-----Original message-----
From: "Bob J. Shelton" <[address removed]>
[address removed]
Mon, Nov 5,[masked]:07:26 GMT+00:00
RE: [libertarian-388] Re: [ronpaul-529] Falling on Principle

How else can you eliminate the problems in county, state and federal elections?  The libertarians do not get the respect they should, so should they try to affiliate with a party to gain support like the tea party.
Bob J. Shelton, President
Bob J. Shelton, P..C.
4303 S. Bowen Rd.
Suite 119
Arlington, Texas 76016
Phone # [masked]
Cell # [masked]
Fax # [masked]

--- On Mon, 11/5/12, Jeff Daiell <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Jeff Daiell <[address removed]>
Subject: RE: [libertarian-388] Re: [ronpaul-529] Falling on Principle
To: [address removed]
Date: Monday, November 5, 2012, 10:47 AM

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