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Tuesday Chat & Play for this week

From: SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, B.
Sent on: Monday, August 19, 2019, 10:25 AM

This Tuesday's Topic:
"Different ways of balancing the Chakras."
(Introductions and starter topic will start at about 7:15 to allow for people arriving late.).

Join in and hang out at J & S Bean every Tuesday evening from about 7 PM to 9 PM.
This meetup is focused mostly on conversation, getting to know each other, and some light networking, so both lay-people and professionals are welcome.

This meetup event is about giving a space and time to be able to talk openly with other like-minded individuals about the wide range of things found in holistic & natural medicine community including the various aspects of energy work, the diversity and commonality of different wellness modalities and concepts, current events concerning the community, as well as magick, psychic (ESP) abilities, "otherworldy things"/the paranormal, astrology, etc.
PS --- Feel free to bring crystals, stones, cards, etc... if you feel called to...

J & S Bean offers Organic Coffees (which they roast on site) & Teas as well as snacky type foods! J & S Bean's website: