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What we’re about

This group is a vibrant monthly meetup created for tech professionals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and management. Our focus is on overcoming the common challenges faced by tech companies, such as crafting top-notch onboarding programs for engineers, implementing agile methodologies effectively, setting impactful OKRs, hiring, scaling and establishing robust tech practices.

The meetup is organised as a lunch. That way it's easy to add it to our schedules while also time boxing it. This also has the nice effect to keep things less formal.

Each meetup is going to have a limited number of seats available: 6, including the organizer. This way discussions between everybody is still easy and it's less complex to organize.

During the lunch, after a quick tour of the table, we discuss one topic chosen for that day.

This group is perfect for tech managers, agile coaches, software engineers, and anyone interested in elevating their company's tech prowess and operational efficiency.

Embark on a journey of professional growth and networking. Join us at our next event !

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