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What we’re about

This meetup group was originally organized for a tech skills training team of a non-profit group called "CNM" in Northern Virginia. Vocational discovery, professional experience, employable credentials are still our focuses. Over the years, we have built our own technology platform to support hands-on training, apprenticeships, internships, and pre-entry-level jobs, as well as re-focused on AI skills.

Life is about learning. For some subset of people, using information technology is an invaluable opportunity to extend their skill set. If you are of those (government, technical professions, finance, etc.), grab this opportunity.

One more important feature before you join. Please be prepared to be photographed and/or recorded if you attend our free events -- we use photos and videos to attract donors and provide our patrons with extra services -- please refrain from joining if you are not comfortable with that feature.

Special thanks to Bob Korzeniewski, Dr. Mallard Owen, and John JV Venable, as well as Bill Fournier, Cassey Missal, Charlotte McKenzie, Chris Putz, Chuck Taylor, Corey Sheldon, Daniel M. Gonzalez, Danny Abadi, Diane Snow Javaid, Guillermo Lopez, Dr. Jack Tsou, Jay Parrish, Dr. John Colleman III, Mack Sigman, Malkia Perry, Matthew Bailey, Mayumi Okada, Mercedes Butler, Michael Eicher, Roger Akins, Dr. Saiid Ganjalizadeh, Scott Hoag, Sean Lewczyk, and Vaclav Hnizda. Make yourself at home - welcome to our Future of Work Is AI group!