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Exclusive Discount to NYC Uncubed feat. BuzzFeed, Gust, Oscar and more

From: Claire
Sent on: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 3:23 PM

Hey techies,

On Friday, 5/8, we're partnering with our friends over at Uncubed for their next event: NYC Uncubed.

Meet the teams behind 80+ of NYC's most exciting companies like BuzzFeed, Gust, Behance (Adobe), Oscar, Meetup, Contently, ZocDoc, Rent the Runway, AppNexus, Bounce Exchange & more.

Plus learn cutting-edge skills and insider tips/techniques from high-profile speakers like Tiki Barber (Co-Founder + Chairman of Thuzio / Former NFL star), Scott Heiferman (Co-Founder + CEO of Meetup), Veronica Parker-Hahn (VP of Marketing @ Oscar), & more.

Drinks, live art, music, & networking will be served up throughout. Open registration ends soon, reserve your spot now!

Register & learn more @ + save 30% with code TIMVIP

Hope to see you there!

Tech in Motion

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