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TOMORROW NIGHT: Tech Talk + Film Screening @ Sunshine Cinema!

From: Claire
Sent on: Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 2:32 PM

Hi All!

Tomorrow night, Tech in Motion New York will be hosting its “Connectivity of the Internet: Tech Talk + Film Screening” at Sunshine Cinema from 6:00-9pm.

The night will consist of:


  • A cocktail hour (sponsored by Cliffton Dry, Minibar, Prohibition Bakery & Skinnypop Popcorn) *Use promo code: TECHINMOTION for $10 off you first Minibar order
  • A brief talk on the "Connectivity of the Internet" by Dennis Crowley, Founder of Foursquare
  • And a private screening of the documentary: Web


As always, admission to this event is FREE and you can RSVP here:

Hope to see you there!

-The Tech in Motion Team



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