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Thanks for Joining Us!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 2:53 PM

Good Afternoon, Tech in Motion!

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it last night—We hope you had a fun and successful evening of networking. With over 250 attendees, there was certainly no shortage of mixing and mingling.

To those of you who couldn’t make it, there’s always next month’s event: “Meet Your Mentor/Mentee Night” on Thursday, May 14th at Radegast Hall in Williamsburg! This will be a fantastic opportunity to help shape the future generation of techies and gather insight from someone established in the industry. All levels are welcome, and we hope you come ready to connect during our inaugural Brooklyn event!

You can find full details on this event and RSVP here.

Special thanks to last night’s sponsors: Verizon FiOS, QS MBA Tour, MarketplaceLIVE, Jobspring Partners, and Workbridge Associates.

See you next month!


Lindsay, Claire, and the whole Tech in Motion team


Learn more about our sponsors:

Verizon FiOS

Verizon is at the center of today’s connected world, working independently and with tech industry partners to put simple, yet incredibly powerful digital tools in the hands of our customers. With the nation’s most advanced and reliable FiOS fiber-optic and 4G LTE mobile networks, Verizon’s customers enjoy the benefits of the digital lifestyle, while we provide the communities we serve with new ways to prosper and grow in the Internet Age – connecting them to the global economy, expanding access to opportunity, and offering new approaches to the challenges of health care, education and environmental sustainability.

Verizon’s 100% fiber-optic FiOS network delivers market-leading broadband speed – with symmetric upload and download throughput – as well as brilliant HD TV service to homes in parts of 12 states and the District of Columbia. Our unique wireless, broadband and cloud assets give us the ability to do what others can’t: deliver truly integrated connected solutions that work across all devices and platforms.

MarketplaceLIVE | June 10th  | 8am – 6pm | The TimesCenter, New York |

Tech in Motion members receive free entry when you register online:

MarketplaceLIVE helps companies grow by enabling them to connect to new partners, new markets and gain access to new revenue streams. The event brings together leading cloud computing providers, service providers, capital markets firms, large enterprises, media and entertainment companies as well as industry analysts, network strategists, and C-Level technology experts in a truly dynamic atmosphere. We are excited that David Pogue, Yahoo Tech Founder, will be inspiring and entertaining us on June 10th as our morning host.


Finding the right MBA program for you is no small feat – with countless options at hundreds of schools worldwide, you need to do your research to find the best program for you. Come to the QS World MBA Tour in New York City on Saturday, May 2nd at The Hilton New York and get all of your MBA questions answered in one place. Speak to admissions directors from top local and international business schools, network with top tier MBA alumni (Wharton, Columbia and Dartmouth) and find the right program for you. You will also be eligible for $1.7M of exclusive MBA scholarships, available to attendees only.

May 2nd, 2015 at The Hilton New York Hotel from 12:30-6:00pm

Free entry for Tech in Motion members, but only if you register online:



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