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NYC, let's celebrate this Tech in Motion milestone!

From: Jamie E.
Sent on: Thursday, July 12, 2018, 2:52 PM

Dear Tech in Motion Members,

As you know, Tech in Motion just hit 100,000 members across North America.

NYC, it’s time to celebrate!

Join us on Wednesday, July 25th for our Summer of Tech Rooftop Mixer. Come network and mingle with one of the city’s largest tech communities.

There will be awesome demos, drinks and all types of tech talk. Bring your friends, colleagues and all your business cards! Plus, don’t miss Samsung’s special photo booth.

Thanks to the participation of all our members, sponsors, partners and the tech community in North America, Tech in Motion is 100,000 members (and counting!) that helped us reach this incredible goal.

RSVP for the Summer of Tech here.

See you soon,

Jamie, Claire & the Tech in Motion team


PS – With an event this lit in late July, we made sure to reserve a covered rooftop space with great air conditioning.

Just another cool reason to attend!



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