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Nominations for the 2019 Timmy Awards are Open!

From: Cassandra
Sent on: Friday, May 31, 2019, 1:09 PM

Good Afternoon Tech in Motion,

We are excited to announce that New York City’s 5th Annual Timmy Awards are back and bigger than ever – honoring 2019’s most deserving technologists and tech-savvy companies! We’re asking YOU to nominate the best places for technology professionals to work in New York City.

This year, not one, but two awards will be given in each category: the 2019 Community Favorite & Judge's Choice. This means the chance to recognize even more brilliant individuals and companies for their diverse hiring practices, inclusive work environments, and innovative tech leaders.

Simply complete a nomination form by August 30th for a chance to win. Both individuals and organizations are eligible to nominate in one or more of the following award categories: 

Join the elite ranks of previous Timmy Award finalists & winners, such as Adobe, Audible, Bullhorn, Salesforce, TripAdvisor, and more!

Are you interested in partnering with the Timmy's? Contact us!

Looking forward to a fierce fight between New York City’s best in tech!

-Cassandra & the Tech in Motion

PS: Special thanks to our founders Jobspring Partners and Workbridge Associates for making The Timmy Awards possible.


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