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Come and Gone

From: Yusef C.
Sent on: Sunday, August 12, 2007, 9:42 PM
Hello everyone,

My first tennis meetup has come and gone and it was DOPE.  It was Pretty 
damn hot but at least one court stayed kind of cool.  No one got heat stroke 
and everyone was really nice.  15 people said definitely yes and 18 people 
showed up so I think it was rally great.  People who came even set up 
meetups with others that were there.  So I think that everyone did GREAT.  
Thanks for coming.  And sorry that I didn't recognize that everyone was 
tired LOL.  Tennis makes me oblivious.

I'm bad with names so the if  he would, I would like the guy that pulled his 
back to email me and let me know his condition.

Also at this time I would like some feedback.  And some suggestions if you 
have them.

The organizer

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