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Saturday tennis meetup

From: Mike E.
Sent on: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 2:30 PM

Hi everyone,

Welcome to new and existing members.

The weather just held on long enough for us to get the afternoons round robin doubles finished.

We began with our warmup drills to  get everyone ready for the much anticipated doubles round robin .Partners were chosen and games began with some close matches.The team though that won the playoff was Taran and Soo over Paul and Dario.Followed by Dave and Ian,Shiju and Rob,Dom and Phil,Phil and Jamie,Sid and Helena,Daria and partners.

Well done Taran and Soo!

The big improvers Rob and Helena!


Hope to see more new members come along for a fun afternoon of round robin doubles.Refreshments provided.All levels of player welcome.

Members could we be aware of our rsvp and change to NO by friday night if unable to attend.If still on the waiting list and keen to play just sms/call or email me friday night or saturday morning and will hopefully find a spot for you.


Go Nick,Lleyton,Bernard,Marinko and Sam at the U S open next week!


See you on court.

