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New Meetup: Drumming in the Square!

From: Rebekah B.
Sent on: Thursday, September 9, 2010, 6:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Terra Amma Spiritual Center - Drumcircles, Art, Meditation!

What: Drumming in the Square!

When: Saturday, September 11,[masked]:00 PM

Where: The Market Path
833 W. Market
Akron, OH 44303

Saturday, September 11-- 1-3pm

We will be drumming outside, on the patio in front of The Market Path (across W. Market from the Highland Square Theater) Ample parking on the street and in the lot behind Market Path.

In case of bad weather... We WILL be inside!

Folding chairs available, and a long concrete bench.

Bring drums, rattles and other percussion toys; and some may also be available if you don't have anything.

It's really great to drum in Highland Square. People stop and join us and it's a party!

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