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Drumming tonight! Friday Nov. 6

From: Rebekah B.
Sent on: Friday, November 6, 2009, 12:04 PM

One more reminder that we are having the drum circle tonight from 7-9pm at the UU Church of Akron.

I was in Ireland for 2 weeks and held a weekend drum workshop at a friends place out in the countryside in County Cork. Not a djembe in sight and we still made beautiful music! Bodhrans and other frame drums were held in laps, and I got pointers in playing bodhran as well! Next October I'll be there for a week teaching drum, and having ritual and drumming in some sacred sites. If you're interested in an excursion, let me know.

Last night I joined Ted Nestor and Marceau, and others, at the Hermit's Hollow drum jam, in the Brecksville Reservation, off Canal Road. I've gone before and always had a lovely time.
Yes, it's outside -- in a shelter with a roaring fireplace! The moonrise was so beautiful in the park; almost no ambient light except for the moon. The drum jam is every thursday, and I'll post more on the meetup site.

There may also be a drum circle in Hartville on Friday, Nov. 27, the day after Thanksgiving. So keep in touch!

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