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Re: [drumcircle-365] Comments, reviews, etc.

From: Colleen
Sent on: Wednesday, August 11, 2010, 1:53 PM
Hi Rebekah,

I am glad to still be on your mail list, seeing that I haven't been able to make any of your classes in so long!  Thanks for keeping me posted, I would like to write a review about your Crystal Bowl / Shamanic Journeying evening and am wondering are you still gathering on Wednesday nights for that?
Many blessings to you on your new journey, I can just imagine the wonderful kinds of travels you are brewing up for yourself now.

--- On Wed, 8/11/10, Rebekah Benner <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Rebekah Benner <[address removed]>
Subject: [drumcircle-365] Comments, reviews, etc.
To: [address removed]
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2010, 11:51 AM

Good morning!

Thank you all for being members of the group.

First, I thought about deleting the meetup group, but it's such a great way to meet people, to promote things that may be of interest to others, and to keep in touch, that I just can't let it go!
Whether or not you've ever attended, it's nice to know that you're at least interested in taking a chance in your life's journey, to look into some of the things that may be considered "out of the box". LOL!!

This month I've been laid off, with no chance of going back, after working for over 20 years. Seems like everyone is saying "It's about time! Now you can do what you really love...drum, teach, travel..."

And that's where you come in.

If you've ever attended anything I've done; workshops, drum circles, meditations.... would you take the time to leave a review?
It won't go to my head, really, but short testimonials would help promote the group, and more importantly, they give other seekers the comfort, validation, and maybe the push they need to come to a meeting or event.

Thank you for your support. I've really loved meeting and making new friends. Many blessings to you all!


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This message was sent by Rebekah Benner ([address removed]) from Terra Amma Spiritual Center - Drumcircles, Art, Meditation.
To learn more about Rebekah Benner, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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