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RE: [The-Albuquerque-Tarot-Meetup-Group] Do you still want to meet this Saturday, April 20th???

From: Jean R.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 7:11 AM
Hi Tarot Lovers, 

I agree with LEE Moberly..lets meet up at Page ONE, same time, same place, this Saturday at 1 pm.  I too have taught Tarot classes at my Metaphysical bookstore in Alb., The Mystic Bear Bookstore, now closed.  Presently I am working on my companion book to go along with my Bali Tarot, Major Arcana. I will bring examples of the paintings to class and perhaps we can discuss the "three" that I will bring as part of our learning curve. Bring your Deck! Lee and I can share teaching for  15 minutes/ or 20?? up to you, or we can add 3 teachers at 20 min each. I would like to do an experiential reading using one of my Bali Major arcana in the reading and or 3 of them. I have talked to Margaret about the Power Point show I put together for the Santa Fe Tarot Group and wanted to show you all, so lets talk about a date for that presentation. 

Let me know if you will show up and I will be there. I am generally at work on Sat. However, I have this Sat. free and will have more in the future. 

Blessings, Jean

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [The-Albuquerque-Tarot-Meetup-Group] Do you still want to meet this Saturday, April 20th???
Date: Tue, 16 Apr[masked]:53:29 -0400

Hi everyone,

Sorry to hear that the meet-up speaker can't make the meeting this weekend. 

However, I would like to MEET SAME PLACE, SAME TIME if anyone else would like to join me.

1.  I've taught classes in the past and am willing to lead the group,
2. Or we can have a round table discussion if people would prefer that,
3. Or just exchange readings for one another. 

Email me and let me know your thoughts.    [address removed]

Dr. Lee Moberly
Inner Edge Insights
3846 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Suite B
Albuquerque, NM 87107

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