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Cosmic Ecosystems

Photo of Heather L.
Hosted By
Heather L.
Cosmic Ecosystems


While the pictures we see of galaxies appear as unchanging snapshots, we believe that they are vibrant ecosystems of stellar life. In this talk, I will describe how stars live and die in galaxies, with a particular focus on how stars are connected to the gas and dust inside a galaxy. We will explore the new understanding that we have gained from recent surveys of the nearest galaxies. These observations imply that, on cosmic timescales, galaxies are rapidly changing with their massive stars reshaping their interiors and charting a course for their future evolution.

Erik Rosolowsky is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Alberta. There, he teaches physics and astronomy, and he works with students in his research group to use telescope observations of the nearest galaxies to understand how those galaxies evolve.

Speaker will be attending the event remotely. You can join us in person or online:

Zoom information:
Webinar ID: 824 3926 2647

Photo of The Calgary Astronomy Meetup Group group
The Calgary Astronomy Meetup Group
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