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Attention every member who was at the Newbie Party and loved the Mac and Cheese Recipe is here

From: Vernalisa Matello C.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 7:32 AM

Linda,s husband Paul gave us his recipe enjoy as it was one of the best I ever had .


Hi everyone,

You have asked my wife for my recipe for my Special Mac & Cheese cupcakes.  

First you have to understand that I don't have a recipe, I don't cook with recipes, my grandmother taught me the basics of cooking and I just improvise.  Also the other night was the first time I ever made the mac & cheese cupcakes that way. I start by cooking my pasta al dente - drain and rinse - let it sit out and shake it so you get rid of all residual water. Next I make a Bechamel - I add 2 parts American Cheese - 1 part Monterrey Jack - 1 part Gruyere - 1/2 part philly cream cheese  I fold the cheeses into the Bechamel, once I have the combined all the cheese I will add half and half to make the mixture like a think bisque.  Next fold the pasta in the the cheese sauce, let it rest until it is roughly room temp. In the cupcake pan with the foil liners I put a very thin slice of dry Capocollo hot in each space. I use an ice cream scoop to put the mac & cheese into the tins. I top each cupcake off with Asiago, Parmesan, Cheddar and crumbled Applewood smoked bacon. Bake for about 15 minutes at 350, then broil for just long enough to crisp up the cheese, remove and let cool. Serve, Eat, Enjoy. I hope this helps, Paul

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