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What we’re about

This is a group and organization for Smart People who want to be Smarter!

Being Smarter and More Intelligent in Life will bring you many benefits. What we call "Smarter, Happier, and More Successful!".

Yet here in America being smart and intelligent is looked down upon, discriminated against, and even outcast.

This is wrong! It's OK to be Smart! And More Than OK to be Smarter!

Here we celebrate intelligence, being smart, and exploring and using your Mind and all of it's abilities, powers, and potentials.

We'll explore and support being Smarter...and Happier...and More Successful! Networking and collaborative projects are encouraged!

If we're so Smart...Let's show the World just how Smart and what we can do together!

And here you can find, meet, and make friends - Intelligent Friends!

No, we don't require an IQ test score to join...Everyone who wants to be Smarter and supports being Smart...A DaVinci Mind! welcome to join!

Smart and Intelligence comes in a great many forms and expressions and cannot be measured with an IQ Test!

Are we a refuge and a welcomed change from a world that uses us and our accomplishments each and every day yet devalues us as persons and our contributions?

Yes! That and more...

Upcoming events (4+)

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