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What we’re about

Hi Everyone!

This group is for anyone who wants to make a noticeable positive change in their life, easily and effortlessly with gentle accountability and encouragement.

It’s for anyone who's passionate about personal development and probably has (like me) read many potentially life changing books but have failed to do the exercises or suggested action steps (despite fully intending to go back to them) so, instead, life went back to a lack-lustre ‘normal’ (shelf-help)!

The MeetUps are currently guided by a book E-Cubed by Pam Grout (the sequel to E-Squared that we finished). You can join the group any time because the book has a standalone process each week.

When we meet (by Zoom) we also define a (realistic) next step, in one area of our lives where we feel most stuck and need accountability for taking action. We encourage each other forward and share ideas … with an inevitable sprinkling of fun!

The group is for you if you’re ready to consistently show up, for yourself and others too, for an hour or so each week (Thursdays at 6pm BST) to take that small step forward. It’s for anyone who has felt limited by fears and doubts that have prevented them taking action!

There's a monthly a charge (£11.11) for the weekly Zooms. I know that money in game helps us show up instead of cop out. It helps ego / personality / conscious doubts get out of the way! So I look forward to you joining in, to work through these weekly processes (you do them during the week and then we discuss together) towards our abundance and happiness!
