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Weight Release Program - Begins August 1, 2015

From: Valerie H.
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2015, 6:03 PM

Weight Release Program Begins this Saturday August 1, 2015*

Eight Weeks, Eight Weekly One-Hour Sessions included

Cost is        $150.00

Winner receives a $100.00 Prize!!!

Call me at[masked] or Email:  [address removed]

*Weight-In can be accomplished during the week of August 3rd - 8th.

We have had great success with the Weight Release Program and due to it's demand I am offering another 8 week session! You receive 8 One (1) Hour Weight Release Hypnosis Sessions, or one a week for eight weeks. That's less than $20.00 per Session!! Food selection and portion control are addressed.

You can pay by the week by the REWARDS are feeling better, better health and the upcoming Fall Fashions!!





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