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Why your health and happiness depend on Cortisol (2)

Photo of Angela STEPHEN
Hosted By
Angela S.
Why your health and happiness depend on Cortisol (2)


My only ask is to bring a $2 coin donation and to remove yourself from an RSVP if you can no longer attend. Many thanks

As I travel down my own holistic journey, my wellness coach said I was over exercising, under sleeping and lacking protein. With that imbalance, no amount of macros or exercising will be effective. In other words my cortisol cycle is out of rhythm which is suboptimal for my mind, body and spirit. So there is a lot to learn about the hormone cortisol and its management for a healthy and happy life!

Time to bring out the test tubes again and fully understand the dimensions of cortisol.

  • What is it and how does it work in our brains and our bodies!
  • What happens when there is too much!
  • What happens when there is too little!
  • What happens when it is in balance!
Photo of The Feelings Counsel group
The Feelings Counsel
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