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What we’re about

Here in Foster Advantage Group we flip the traditional point of view that foster children/adults are disadvantaged.. we flip that to say they have an advantage. Their spirit is rich with experiences, from pain to joy, sadness to motivation, depression to engagement. We circle up and switch the lights on..

Children that grew up in foster, detention, or as wards of the state have actually received huge benefits and blessings. From the support of many many people along the way raising them. To unique interpretations on attachment, violence, relationships and human communications in general.

Once those old patters are reviewed and harnessed they can make a lasting difference in your connection with yourself, with others and with the world..

So Join us as we will do a weekly zoom support/transformation call on Tuesday's 7pm-8pm and various other meet up opportunities.

Cultivating and offering support to Extraordinary people that grew up in state care. Also connecting you with resources and peer mentoring opportunities, that transform you.