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Trekking in the Mighty Dolomites

Photo of Leigh
Hosted By
Trekking in the Mighty Dolomites


The Dolomites, a scenic part of the Alps located in Italy, are an absolute mecca for outdoor enthusiasts. With plenty of activities to choose from, one of the most popular things to do here is hiking. So....hiking we will do! We will be doing an Inn to Inn with multiple nights at some of the accommodations. The level of hiking is harder in Italy. Please DO NOT sign up unless you currently have a strong presence on the strenuous hikes.

Plan on arriving in Venice on the 13th and leaving from the Malpensa airport on the 28th.

The itinerary can be found at:
Brenta Dolomites.docx

****please note that dietary restrictions and preferences can not be accommodated on this trip.

Please pay attention to the following:

Deposits are DUE NOW!! Check your email for the message.

Many people get excited about international trekking, and it is amazing! It is my passion and one of the things I love most about my life.

I would love to take you all! Realistically, if you have not been committed and dedicated to participating in the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday hikes, your chances are slim that you will be able to go on this trip. I would love to take everyone but obviously I can’t. I will take the people that I KNOW are the most prepared and the most familiar with the group. The people that like to hike with the group and make a point to do it whenever they can. The people that support their fellow hikers and have displayed patience with the group. Then participation on past international and local trips will be taken into consideration and length of time with the international group. Because this is not a tour, but more of close group traveling together, your relationship with the group and your consideration and support of your fellow hikers is considered.

Lastly, if any there are any open spots, the rest will be given to the members in the best overall shape to participate in the order that they put their names on the list.

You do need to be able to communicate via the meetup message system and you do need to be able to participate on zooms calls with the video and audio working.

Food allergies and preferences can not be accommodated on this trip. After over 20 International trips with the Wanderers that it just cannot be done well. If you have issues you will need to be able to handle them on your own.

Travel insurance is mandatory for this trip.

Making the non-refundable deposit is making a commitment to participate. You are “locked” in when you make your deposit.

Photo of The International Wanderers group
The International Wanderers
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1 spot left