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Generative AI Applications & Use Cases

Photo of Victor Cuevas
Hosted By
Victor C.
Generative AI  Applications & Use Cases


Join us for an enlightening webinar presented by Sherman Social Media. In it, we will explore the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence in business across various sectors. Digital strategy expert Marji J. Sherman will lead the session, which will delve into the core of AI technologies and applications in marketing, sales, and other domains.

A dedicated Q&A session will allow participants to discuss specific AI applications relevant to their industries. Concluding with key takeaways, the session aims to equip businesses with the knowledge to harness AI technologies effectively. Participants will also be able to engage further with Sherman Social Media through a post-webinar consultation offer, ensuring they can apply what they've learned to real-world scenarios.

Photo of The Knowledge Jar AI Community group
The Knowledge Jar AI Community
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