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Hoover Wilderness Backpack (6 days/5 nights)

Photo of Gary
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Hoover Wilderness Backpack (6 days/5 nights)


How about a 6 day/5 night loop trip in the Hoover Wilderness National Forest? I know it's only February but given the length of this trip I thought getting it out now would be useful for your summer planning.

This trip is for 6 experienced/moderately experienced backpackers. This loop takes us initially to Peeler Lake, then we'll head counter clockwise over Buckeye Pass (9600') and Kirkland Pass (9900"), then follow the West Walker River Northwest. From there we'll turn south to Lake Harriet, Dorothy Lake, and Tilden Lake and finally looping back along Rancheria Creek closing the loop near Snow Lake. You can find the Caltopo here:

This is approximately 63 miles in total. Camp locations will be determined by the team. July 17th is a travel day.

Trailhead: Robinson Creek TH at Twin Lakes. My plan is to secure a campground nearby for the night of the 17th but it'll likely be a location other than Twin Lakes given that's already full. I'll update as we get closer to the date.

Planned Itinerary (subject to change while on the trail):
Day 1 (July 17): Drive from Bay Area (leave AM), camp at TH
Day 2 (July 18): TH to Peeler Lake
Day 3 (July 19): Peeler Lake to Harriet Lake or close by
Day 4 (July 20): Harriet To Tilden Lake
Day 5 (July 21): Tilden to Lower Kerrick Meadows
Day 6 (July 22): Kerrick Meadows to Snow Lake
Day 7 (July 23): Snow Lake to TH and drive home.

Difficulty: Moderate. We will have one or two long trail days but the hiking is mostly below 10,000' and and should be relatively comfortable. Most days we should reach camp by 3:00 or earlier.

Protect Your Food: Bear canisters ARE REQUIRED in the Hoover Wilderness
Water: Should not be an issue. Bring your filter!
Electronics: If you have electronics (watches, camera's, etc. please bring your own back up batteries)
To attend, please RSVP to the Waitlist. I will email with questions if needed. NOTE: As always, you are responsible for your own safety and attendance is at your own risk. Remember to bring necessary personal items including sunscreen, repellent, sun glasses, and medications. The organizer of the event does not assume any liability. In the event of injury or illness, assistance will, of course, be provided; but you should not expect professional level first aid or rescue from the organizer or any of the other attendees.

Photo of The Monterey Bay Area Hiking Group group
The Monterey Bay Area Hiking Group
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