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What we’re about

Welcome to the New Girl's Club!


We are a network and a platform for women to capitalise on their potential and help others realise theirs, irrespective of background or age. In a world where “old boys’ clubs” were historically synonymous with connections, power and success, we’re helping build a levelled, equitable world where these terms are completely redefined. A community that connects women together to inspire, guide and support each other in life and in work – this is the New Girls’ Club.


Our mission is to bridge the gender gap through helping level the playing field, by empowering women to embrace their own potential in a collective manner through honest dialogue, exposure and opportunity.


Stage 1: Regular Meet-Ups - Where we invite experts & talents across different industries to mingle and host workshops, with, of course, plenty of time for authentic discussion and networking.
Stage 2: Mentorship Mix-and-Match - Connecting women who are at the start of their careers (or undergoing career transitions) to women with experience, expertise and advice.
Stage 3: Our full-blown online platform which will be your portal to all kinds of networks, workshops, events and job opportunities to support your ambition & potential!
Join us and step into a community of unparalleled guidance and inspiration by women, to women.

Join the New Girl's Club and ride with us on this amazing journey!

Upcoming events (1)

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