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What we’re about

🌞FIRST EVENT ALERT: 11/07/2024.
Bookings open at 9am on June 11. Save the date!

Tired of working from home on your own?
Join a friendly bunch of digital entrepreneurs, digital nomads and remote workers who get together to co-work, socialise, and enjoy the perks of being location-independent.

The format for our regular meetups is simple — co-work for a few hours and then move on to a social activity, be it a pint or a bite to eat. Occasionally, we'll organise structured events with talks and networking opportunities.

We’re equally about work & business as we are about having a good time and living out the benefits of being an indie worker :)

We meet fortnightly, and it's always free.

Event format
12:30 - We meet up at lunchtime for a coffee & a chat
1:30 - We get stuff done for a few hours
5ish - We head out for a drink, a bite to eat, or both.

Event etiquette
We want everyone to have a great time – to keep things simple, there are only three guidelines that we ask you to follow:
1. We cap attendance at 20 places, so do RSVP if you intend to join. Change of plans? Let us know so that someone else can take your spot.
2. To protect everyone's focus time please arrive either around 12:30 PM or around 3 PM if you can. You can still join at a different time, just be mindful of other people's focus time.
3. If you're taking a call or attending a meeting whilst others are working, please move a couple of tables away. That's it.

There are no fees or charges and for any questions feel free to message me!

Upcoming events

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