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What we’re about

Artistic freedom means that the amateur film maker is never forced to sacrifice visual drama and beauty to a stream of words…to the relentless activity and explanations of a plot…nor is the amateur production expected to return profit on a huge investment by holding the attention of a massive and motley audience for 90 minutes…Instead of trying to invent a plot that moves, use the movement of wind, or water, children, people, elevators, balls, etc. as a poem might celebrate these. And use your freedom to experiment with visual ideas; your mistakes will not get you fired. ~ Maya Deren
The Open Film school is a philosophy that looks at the filmmaking skill training beyond just an introduction to the workings of a vocation. The Open Film School meditates on the art and the craft of this beautiful medium and encourages the aspiring filmmaker to develop their own worldview. It is an initiation into magical world of cinema that paves the path for you to become it's student and practitioner for life. Documentary filmmaking is a world of learning and seeking. Documentaries are the perfect place for young filmmakers to begin learning their craft. That’s because fiction film is about re-creating a version of reality, tuned to the story’s dramatic necessities. Documentaries, by contrast, require only that students choose the subject matter and capture what is already there.Watching documentaries is a wonderful way to expand your awareness of the world around you. It forces us to view a specific problem from an array of different perspectives.