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FW: January Hollywood Intensive Inportant Update Info!

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Sunday, December 7, 2014, 12:22 PM

Hey Folks - this looks like a great opportunity if you're looking for an acting class. If you are interested - PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL - instead follow the directions listed in the email below.



YAY! The January Seminar Is a GO! We're so happy to be able to bring these exciting Hollywood Professionals to come here to work with you!


We only have 7 spots left for each day, so if you want to join us,

fill out the attached Registration Form, get your payment in ASAP, and grab one of the remaining spots NOW! (Our absolute max each day is HURRY!)


Below is a note from Barb, with some important info regarding the seminar, and confirming with those signed up.


Dear Actors:

Thank you for signing up for the  Phoenix Film Institute's January Hollywood Intensives with Samantha Daniels on Saturday, January 10 and Megan Foley and Chuck Marra on Sunday, January 11.    IT IS A GO!!!!!.  We have received your payment and we are holding your spot. We're very excited for this great event. More detailed information will be emailed to you no later than January 3, but in the meantime, you should know that the event will be held in Scottsdale and will be two afternoon workshops. No mornings...  


Lots of fun things are planned that are geared to both adult and youth actors.   The location will be at La Quinta in Scottsdale on Shea at the 101. You may want to begin to prepare a monologue or a two person scene, up to one minute (no longer), to perform at the workshops.  And you should bring your headshot and resume each day, so if you don't have one yet, you may want to get one.


Though we did have enough sign-ups to make this a go, there is still room in the workshop so if you have friends who may be interested, please forward the attached flyer and registration.  Also, if you are a parent of a young actor, it is highly recommended that you audit the workshop as this will offer a TON of information about the casting process and how it works that will help you navigate your child's career.  Audits are $75 per person for one day, $125 for the week-end and space is very limited 


 Looking forward to seeing you in January and wishing you the happiest of holidays and a prosperous, joyful and healthy New Year.   If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email Marla or myself.  Please note that I will be traveling beginning December 21 until after the New Year and so may not be able to respond immediately.


It would be helpful if you would let me know that you received this!




Barb North


22647 Ventura Blvd. #422
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
(818)[masked] phone
(818)[masked] fax
[address removed]


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