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free tickets for movie premiere + yesterdays super successful party + next dance party on oct 12 at DIYA TYSONS.

From: Manan Singh K.
Sent on: Monday, October 8, 2012, 12:07 AM
good evening everyone...
quick note...
so if u attended the club eden columbus day - bollywood meets hollywood party last night...
u know how amazing it was - how packed it was...
and the suprise element - the DHOL guy...
best part - how amazingly diverse the crowd was - that was the best party
true reflection on the melting pot culture we live in...
(if u didnt attend, ask your friends who did :) - best dance party ever)
same thing will happen this friday at the best banquet hall in dc metro - ~
a) we have the comedy night at diya banquet hall...  - early bird tickets are sold out...
u can get tickets now for $34 -
at door (if we r not sold out, cos capacity is only 200 people) - at door it will be $40
(comedy club standard 2 drinks minimum stands)
also after the comedy night, we have a special dj and it will turn into a dance party...
all that entertainment for $34 -
if its a big group - u will get discount
4 amazing comics - vijai nathan, irwin loring, chipp jones and shahryar rizvi
so get your tickets now - before we r sold out ~
so we have our film premiere in new jersey - on sunday - 3pm - october 14
at one of the best venues, theatres in north america - ~
so the theatre has given me few free passes for the premiere
so i extend that to 3 people here who havent seen the film...

- you get a free ride with us, to nj and back

- you gotta look your best - there will be media and lotsa photographers...

so let us know :)
c) i am starting my next film - here in DC end of this year... looking for few interns.. - makeup, script consultant, assistant directors - u get credit, food and drinks :)
how many of you would like to party on thanksgiving eve... - wednesday?
november 21 - we r planning a big party...
e) do watch pitch perfect and london paris new york
keep smiling :) - Manan'