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Permaculture Vancouver Monthly Meetup!

Photo of Ross Moster
Hosted By
Ross M.


Village Vancouver West Community Potluck
potluck @6:30
workshop @7:30pm
All attendees should also register on VanRec:
Join us for a community meal and an educational topic. Optionally, please either bring your own dinner or something to share for the potluck, and plate or bowl, and cutlery. We'll have a community seed library present - pick up some free seeds for your garden, swap or donate seeds. Free. At McBride Park Fieldhouse (2049 Waterloo St, 4th and Waterloo.)
Keep your eyes and tummy out for other monthly potlucks with Village Vancouver (Vancouver's Transition Town Hub). There are currently 2 monthly potlucks - West (@McBride Fieldhouse) and West End (@West End Community Centre, in conjunction with West Neighbourhood Food Network). Typically, a workshop or discussion follows the meal. We will also continue to hold occasional Eastside meetups in Strathcona.
We also hold community potlucks (or other shared community meals) once in awhile in other neighbourhoods, including Cedar Cottage, False Creek South, Grandview-Woodland, Marpole-Oakridge, Mount Pleasant, Strathcona, and West Point Grey.
Village Vancouver holds over 350 workshops, events, and activities a year. For more information, please visit or join: or contact Ross Moster at
Permaculture is about creating sustainable human habitats. It's about taking the energy from the land and encouraging it to cycle back into the land, to reuse it as many times as possible before letting it go (out to the sea of entropy, where we can't use it any more) so for example, a piece of land receives sun, wind, and rain. If we catch those... and use them judiciously, we can make our garden grow, and feed animals who will poop and return that to the land, and pretty soon we have better soil, better food, some protection, and eventually something to build with.

Photo of Permaculture Vancouver ! group
Permaculture Vancouver !
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Every 3rd Wednesday of the month

McBride Park Fieldhouse
3350 W 4th Avenue · Vancouver, bc
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