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What we’re about

Transform Concern Into Action With Us!
Feeling helpless with the state of democracy? It's time to switch off the TV and make a real impact!

Join the Visibility Brigade—your local force for democratic change! We meet weekly on Rt4's overpass in Paramus, crafting powerful messages that drivers can't ignore.

Be Seen. Be Heard. Since 2020, our "Rush Hour Resistance" has turned debate into demonstration, as we proudly display potent phrases to thousands daily. This isn't just activism; it's a community event that's equal parts fun and meaningful—endorsed by passersby and even spotlighted in the NYTimes!

Rally with us from 4:30-6pm! (Time adjusts with seasons)
Ready to be part of the democratic pulse? Email We'll welcome you with open arms and add you to our community bulletin.
Together, let's make democracy visible!