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What we’re about

We are a collective of novelists, memoirists, poets, diarists, screenwriters, part-time scribblers, essayists and more. Some of us are beginners, some are published, others just enjoy talking shop about literature. We're all here united by our love for the written word.

This group is a support network dedicated to furthering our writing lives. We share resources, give and receive feedback on our work. Our workshops delve into the craft of writing where we hone our skills and challenge ourselves. We strive to create an open environment that encourages discussion and constructive criticism.

We are inspired by all the varieties of writing that has been shared with us over the years and welcome all voices to participate. Most importantly, we cheer each other on and have fun in the process. Writing can be a solitary business, so why not join us and get support for your writing endeavours?

We write and hold regular writers' workshops in English.

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